首页> 中文期刊> 《设计艺术研究》 >信息传播视阈中的书籍设计与教学




数字技术信息对传统的以纸质印刷为传播核心的书籍设计造成了较大的影响与冲击。如何借助纸质印刷的文化价值体系,并使之有效地运用于数字传播之中是当代书籍设计课程教学所面临的难题与挑战。将传统书籍设计之中纸的丰富质感表现性、阅读的愉悦性以及印刷的传统美学特征与数字媒体的快速传播性、灵动性和大荷载性特征进行比对,得出了当代书籍设计课程教学改革首先需要从画面的信息语言中的分级性探讨开始,进而通过抽象化的形式语言训练,以实现书籍设计形式与内容的相辅相成,同时将时尚性作为一个特别的问题给予研究,再将书籍设计的现代性与传统书籍的文化性相结合,就能够丰富和完善当代书籍设计课程的教学内容和教学体系。%In the information age, digital technology brings huge impact and shock to the book design relying on traditional paper printing as the core. In contemporary book design, one challenge is how to increase the efifciency of digital information dissemination with the help of the culture value system of paper printing. The combination of characteristics of traditional books, such as the tangible texture, the enjoyment of reading, aesthetic sense of printing, etc, with the features of digital media, such as instantaneous dissemination, lfexibility, huge capacity, etc, is what we can envision in the book design and teaching research. Starting from discussion of the information language of pictures, we could conduct the practice and training of abstract language to achieve the coordination of form and content. Meanwhile, we can also include modernity and fashion of book design as a special research area to bridge the tradition with modern trend, and eventually enrich and optimize the content and system of teaching in contemporary book design curriculum.



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