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Book-Like Reader: Mirroring Book Design and Navigation in an E-Book Reader




This paper describes our design of the Book-Like Reader, an e-book reader interface that mirrors paper books. This study focuses on the characteristics of flexibility and lightweight navigation in paper books. We consider the important requirements for navigation to be the control method, the behavior of paper pages, and lightweight bookmark-ing. By satisfying these requirements, the user can handle an e-book intuitively like a paper book. Our reader is capable of the same user-friendly navigation as a paper book. We have developed a prototype (as an Android application) with an Android tablet, two force sensitive resistors, and a microcomputer board. The touch display and the resistors are sufficient to detect the input. The application visualizes e-books (consisting of image files) like paper books using an OpenGL ES. Our Book-Like Reader has the aforementioned characteristics of paper books.
机译:本文描述了我们的类似书籍阅读器的设计,这是一个反映纸质书籍的电子书阅读器界面。这项研究的重点是纸质书的灵活性和轻量级导航的特征。我们认为导航的重要要求是控制方法,纸页的行为和轻巧的书签功能。通过满足这些要求,用户可以像纸质书本一样直观地处理电子书。我们的阅读器具有与纸质书相同的用户友好导航功能。我们已经开发了一个原型(作为Android应用程序),该原型具有Android平板电脑,两个力敏电阻和一个微型计算机板。触摸屏和电阻足以检测输入。该应用程序使用OpenGL ES可视化像纸质书这样的电子书(由图像文件组成)。我们的类似书籍的阅读器具有纸质书籍的上述特征。



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