首页> 中文期刊> 《棉纺织技术》 >梳棉机加装梳针分梳板对涤纶纱质量的影响




Effect of installing carding needle plate under carding machine taker-in on polyester yarn quality was discussed. Take-in undercasting and carding needle plate were installed in carding machine under take-in respectively, in condition of take-in speed 820 r/min,l 054 r/min and 1 290 r/min,yarn evenness and strength were tested respec-tively. The result shows that yarn evenness can be improved much better when adopting carding needle plate,yarn thin places per kilometer can be reduced obviously. When the take-in speed is 1 054 r/min,yarn neps per kilometer can be reduced obviously,while thick places per kilometer can not be reduced. It is considered yarn strength and strength even-ness can be improved in certain degree when take-in speed is lower.%探讨梳棉机刺辊下加装梳针分梳板对涤纶纱质量的影响.在梳棉机刺辊下分别加装小漏底和梳针分梳板,在820 r/min、1 054 r/min和1 290 r/min三档刺辊速度条件下,分别对其所加工的纱进行了条干和强力的检测.结果表明:与刺辊下配置小漏底相比,加装梳针分梳板更有利于成纱条干的改善,对降低成纱千米细节效果较为明显,在刺辊速度为1 054r/min时对成纱千米棉结有十分明显的改善作用,但对成纱千米粗节并没有改善作用.认为:加装梳针分梳板对成纱强力和强力不匀率在刺辊速度较低时有一定的改善作用.



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