首页> 中文期刊> 《棉花学报》 >棉花3种抗逆相关基因对苗蚜为害的应答反应




Using qPCR, responses of three metabolizing gene including ATP synthase beta subunit (Atp β), light-harvesting com plex II protein((lhcb2)and Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase(LRR- RLK) to damage caused by Aphis gossypii in cotton were studied. In four cotton varieties including CCRI 41, CCRI 44, CCRI49 and CCRI 79, there was great difference of LRR-RLK expression in response to aphid damage, so the amount of LRR-RLK expression was related to aphid damage. The change of Lhcb2 expression quantity in response to aphid damage was great in CCRI 41's euphylla and cotyledons, CCRI 44's cotyledons, CCRI 49's euphylla and CCRI 79's cotyledons. The change of Arpβ expression quantity in response to aphid damage was great in CCRI 41's euphylla, CCRI 44's euphylla and cotyledons, CCRI 49's euphylla and CCRI 79's cotyledons, but weak in CCRI 79. Further analysis indicated that different cotton varieties might use different metabolic networks to response insect damage.%使用荧光定量PCR方法,分析了中棉所41、中棉所44、中棉所49和中棉所79等4种不同遗传背景的棉花品种在受到苗蚜为害时,编码类受体蛋白激酶(LRR-RLK)、ATP合酶β亚基(Atpβ)和捕光蛋白复合物Ⅱ(Lhcb2)等3种代谢相关基因的变化情况.在4种棉花品种中,LRR-RLK的表达量变化情况差异较大,该类LRR-RLK的表达量变化与蚜虫的为害有关;Lhcb2基因在中棉所41的子叶和真叶中、中棉所49的真叶中、中棉所44和中棉所79的子叶中对棉蚜的为害应答比较强烈;Atpβ基因在中棉所41和中棉所49真叶中、中棉所44子叶和真叶中应答反应比较强烈,在中棉所79中应答反应较弱.以上试验结果暗示不同的棉花品种应对苗蚜为害可能存在不同的代谢途径.



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