首页> 中文期刊> 《化工自动化及仪表》 >电子看板中数制转换算法研究




为了解决国内某钢厂煤气加压站分布式控制系统的信息发布装置无法向 LED 数字看板发布数字消息的问题,对 ASCII码表示十进制数字的过程进行分析,发现用 ASCII 码表示进位计数制数字时应将数字转换为非进位计数制,这种转换由一簇以按权展开式为基础导出的递推公式所描述的数学模型实现,模型将进位计数制数字的系数同权值相分离,按原有顺序排列,形成非进位计数制数字;结合LED数字看板使用 ASCII编码发布数字消息的原理,在 SIMATIC 平台上实现该模型,使得由分布式自动化系统采集的反应生产工况的数字消息能在数字看板中发布。%Considering DCS information-releasing device’s incapability in sending data to gas station’s LED production Kanban in iron &steel plants,having the process of applying ASCII code to notate the decimal nu-meral analyzed to find that the numeral notated by carry counter system has to be transmitted into non-carry counter system when adopting ASCII code to notate the numeral in positional number system.This transmission can be realized by a numerical model and represented by series of recursive equations.The model can separate coefficients from the positions and then arranges them in original sequence to form a non-carry counter system. According to the principle that LED numeral Kanban releases numerical information in the form of ASCII code, this model can be realized on SIMATIC platform so that numerical information in relation to the production and collected by DCS can be published on the production Kanban.



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