首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >基于液滴分离时间的斜板沉降器结构参数优化




By the principle of droplet dynamics, the model of a single droplet separation based on time was established. And the expression of the necessary time of a single droplet separator was obtained, the relationship of the necessary time of droplet separator with structural parameters in settler was determined. The effect of inclined plate angle, inclined plate length, inclined plate spacing structure parameters, feed flow rate and oil/water mixing ratio on the separation efficiency was studied through experiments. The experimental results show that the best angle of the incline plate separator is 30°, the optimal length of the inclined plate is about 350 mm, the best inclined plate spacing is 20 mm, ratio of oil-water mixture has almost no effect on separation efficiency in the experimental range. The separation efficiency can increase gradually with decreasing of the feed flow. However, when the flow reduces to a certain range, the separation efficiency will be stable at a relatively high level,and not affected by the feed flow rate.%  通过应用液滴动力学原理,建立了单个液滴基于时间的分离模型,得到了单个液滴分离所需的必要时间表达式,确定了沉降器中液滴分离所需的必要时间与结构参数的关系。论文中还在一定范围内通过实验研究了斜板倾斜角、斜板板长、斜板间距等结构参数及进料流量与油水混合比例等对分离效率的影响,实验结果表明在实验范围内斜板倾斜角的最佳角度是30°,斜板板长最佳值为350 mm左右,最佳斜板间距为20 mm;油水混合比例对分离效率几乎没有影响,随进料体积流量的减小分离效率逐渐增加,但当流量减低到一定范围后,分离效率会稳定在一个比较高的水平而基本不受进料体积流量影响。



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