首页> 中文期刊>当代化工 >亚临界压力下碳氢燃料在不同长度通道中反应特性研究




The reaction characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel in different length pipe under subcritical pressure were studied. Suitable reaction temperature and channel length were determined based on pyrolysis products,gas yield,heat sink and coking, etc. The results indicated that the influence of pipe length on reaction characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel were remarkable. When the pipe length was less than 8 m, the gas yield and heat sink between 550~750℃ could be improved greatly with the increase of pipe length. When pyrolysis temperature was above 800℃ , the gas yield and heat sink would be not improved because of the exothermic reaction. The reaction characteristics of gas products showed that olefinic content increased with the increase of pipe length, alkane content had opposite trend. At high temperature, surface heat fluxes became the key factors influencing fuel coking, the lowest coking length was about 1 m.%研究了亚临界压力条件下碳氢燃料在主动冷却通道中随管长变化的反应特性,结合裂解产物、产气率、热沉以及结焦等确定了适合燃料裂解的温度与管长。结果表明,管长变化引起的停留时间改变对燃料反应特性影响明显。管长增加可以有效提高550~750℃温度段的产气率与热沉,管长达到8 m时反应趋于平衡。温度高于800℃后,燃料放热反应加剧,升高温度或增加管长都不利于产气率与热沉的提高。产气组分特性表明,烯烃含量随管长的增加而降低,烷烃变化趋势则与之相反。高温条件下,壁面热流是影响碳氢燃料结焦的关键因素,该条件下碳氢燃料最低结焦对应管长约为1 m。



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