首页> 中文期刊> 《电脑与电信》 >基于高拍仪的纸质试卷拍照存档系统的研发与应用




The picture archiving system for examination paper is to solve the problem of storage, retrieval and protection of ex-amination paper. The test paper is taken photo of and is converted to PDF files, and then is stored in the Web server. The storage paths is related with the the student ID number, academic year, subject of school information system for easy retrieval. The picture archiving system for examination paper is integrated with the school information system, satisfying the need of electronic paper. The design scheme is also suitable for the electronization of other electronic paper files. The system has advantages of low cost, easy op-eration, fast retrieval and high safety.%研发纸质试卷拍照存档系统,解决纸质试卷的存储检索和保护问题。将纸质试卷通过拍照,转换为PDF文件,存储到Web服务器,存储路径与学校信息系统中的学生ID号、学年、科目相联系,以方便检索。纸质试卷拍照存档系统与学校信息系统融为一体,能满足纸质试卷电子化的需要,其设计方案也适合于其它纸质档案的电子化。该系统设计成本低,操作简便,检索速度快,安全性高。



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