首页> 中文期刊>计算机技术与发展 >基于本体的BML命令语义标注方法




作战管理语言(Battle Management Language,BML)是一种无歧义的语言规范,用于解决指控和仿真系统间的互操作问题.针对BML命令缺乏语义信息,难以被计算机理解和自动处理的问题,分析了BML的五视图体系结构,引入了BNF形式化语法,并在此基础上提出了一种语义标注方法,对命令中的对象、时间和地理位置等要素进行标注,然后整合各要素来表达整条命令的语义,系统通过解析标注文档可以实现对命令的无歧义理解,最后给出实例予以说明.论文为表达BML命令的语义提出了一种借鉴思路.%The battle management language is a non-ambiguous language specification which is used to resolve interoperability' issues between C2 systems and simulation systems. However, lack of semantic information makes computers difficult to understand BML order. In this paper, the five-view architecture of BML is analyzed, and a BNF formal syntax is introduced. Based on this, a semantic annotation method is proposed, in which, elements in the order are tagged, and combined together to express the semantic information of the whole order, and then, the system can understand the order by analyzing the annotation document. Finally, an example is given. It is an efficient way to express the semantic information of BML orders.



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