首页> 中文期刊>计算机技术与发展 >实时数据库有损压缩算法的研究




在实时数据库中,测点数量多,数据量庞大,数据变化慢,数据冗余多,且实时数据库对实时性的要求很高,因此需要高效的压缩算法对实时数据进行压缩.实时数据库中的数据压缩算法分为有损和无损两类,文中就数据有损压缩进行了研究.通过对现有的有损压缩算法进行分析和比较,总结并提出了一个新的算法.该算法基于预测和动态修正,对实时数据进行快速高效的有损压缩.通过测试和比较,该算法在提高压缩比的同时能满足系统对还原精度的要求.%In real-time database,amount of measuring points and size of data are very huge. The data varies slowly with lots of redundancy , and the system is of high demand for efficiency. So that efficient algorithm of compression is one of the most important aspects of real -time database system. There' re two types of compression algorithm,lossy and lossless ones. It studied data lossy compression and proposed a new algorithm by analyzing and comparing existing lossy compression algorithms. It's based on prediction and dynamic correction to be lossy compression quickly and efficiently for real-time data. Through testing,the algorithm improves the compression rate and decompression accuracy at the same time.



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