首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机系统应用》 >基于双目立体视觉的煤体积测量




给出一种双目立体视觉结合SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)算法的小型煤堆的体积测量方法,首先,简要介绍了双目视觉的原理和基于 SURF 算法的立体匹配,其次,给出了煤堆的三维重建和体积计算方法,讨论了影响计算精度的主要因素及解决方法,实现了煤堆体积的非接触测量,最后,实验结果证明了该方法具有可行性,有一定的实用价值。%A method for volume measurement of small coal heap based on combination of SURF feature and binocular vision is presented in this article. Firstly, the principle of binocular vision and stereo matching based on SURF algorithm is briefly introduced. Then, in order to achieve the non-contact volume measurement of coal heap, the 3D reconstruction and volume measurement method of coal heap is given, and the main factors influencing the calculation accuracy and related solution are discussed. Finally, the feasibility and application value of this method used for volume measurement of coal has been proved according to the experimental results.



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