首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机系统应用》 >某型飞机空中加受油训练模拟器的研制




The function of flight-refuel training simulator was proposed for requirement of flight-refuel training. The architecture of simulator was designed. The implement of simulator components were explained, which include simulation cabin, flight simulating, umbrella movement, movement platform, signal collecting control, manipulating loading, visual sign, instruction console, computing net and sound communication. The combination of object and picture was adopted in the simulator. The sense of arriving area is strong and the effect is vivid in the process of through the umbrella. The simulation training helped the flight of fighter plane, so a better apprise was given by training aviator. The simulator can improve the simulation training and promote the fighting capacity.%根据加受油模拟训练的实际需求,提出了某型飞机空中加受油训练模拟器的功能,设计了模拟器的体系结构,并说明了模拟器模拟座舱、飞行仿真、伞套运动、运动平台、信号采控、操纵负荷、视景、教员控制台、计算机网络、音响通讯等分系统的实现。该模拟器采用实物与图像相结合的半实物仿真方式,空中对接环节临场感强、效果逼真,对实装飞行帮助很大,受训飞行员对该模拟器评价较好。该模拟器的投入使用,对提高仿真训练的质量效益,促进部队战斗力建设具有十分重要的价值和意义。



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