首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >抗万能攻击的安全网络编码




A secure network coding algorithm against the omniscient adversaries was presented. While the adversary can eavesdrop all links and jam z0 links, the algorithm transforms the source news with sparse matrix to enhance the data anti-wiretapping capacity. In order to detect and eliminate pollution attacks,the receiver uses list decoding algorithm to recover the source news. The theoretical analysis and simulations both confirm that this algorithm can be designed and implemented in polynomial time,resistant eavesdropping and pollution attacks. At the same time, this algorithm can also make the standard random network coding to achieve the weakly secure condition at a high probability, increase the encoding rate and reduce the occupied memory space. Furthermore, only the source and destination need to be modified, and intermediate nodes implement a classical distributed network code.%提出了一种能够抵抗万能攻击者的安全网络编码算法.在敌人可以窃听所有节点和信道及污染z0个链路的情况下,该算法利用稀疏矩阵对信源信息进行矩阵变换,增强了信息的抗窃听能力,并利用列表译码法在信宿处进行译码,对污染攻击进行检测和排除.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该算法能够在多项式时间内设计完成,能够抵抗窃听和污染等安全性攻击,使得原本的随机网络编码以很高的概率达到弱安全的要求;同时提高了编码速率,减小了存储空间的占用.更重要的是,该算法仅在原随机编码体制的基础上对信源和信宿进行了修改,中间节点保持不变.



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