首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >基于3D角度编码的量子遗传算法




为了充分利用量子态在算法中的量子特性,提高算法的搜索效率,减少存储空间,提出了一种基于3D角度编码的量子遗传算法.该算法将量子位描述为3D球面坐标下的一对相位角,充分利用了量子的空间运动特性,并引入一种自适应旋转角大小和方向的确定方案,从而进一步简化了染色体的更新和变异过程,而且使算法的量子特性、存储性能、时间性能都得到很大的提高.仿真结果表明,其在算法优化效率和搜索能力上都优于简单遗传算法和普通量子遗传算法.%In order to make full use of the quantum characteristics of the quantum state in the algorithm, and improve the search efficiency,reduce storage space,a new quantum genetic algorithm called 3D-AQGA was proposed. The algorithm describes quantum bit as a pair of angles in 3D spherical coordinate, makes full use of the quantum space motion characteristics,and introduces a kind of adaptive scheme to calculate the rotation angle size and direction which not only makes the process of chromosome's update and variation simplified,but also improves quantum characteristics,storage properties and time performance of the algorithm greatly . The simulation results show that the efficiency of the algorithm and the search ability are superior to the simple genetic algorithm and common quantum genetic algorithm.



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