首页> 中文期刊>计算机科学 >基于代价的复杂网络抗攻击性研究




Current researches on anti-attack of complex networks are based on the hypothesis that all the attacks wouldn't spend any cost However,most of the complex networks are fragile in confronting selective attack strategies without any cost, which is conflict with real-world networks. Aiming at the contradiction, this paper proposed key indexes,i. e. ,the network compactness index and average degree, to measure the attack effects with costs. This paper developed the selective node attack strategies model based on the network compactness index, and qualitative analysis of the relation between network compactness index,average degree and anti-attack of complex networks. The detailed simulation results show that the key indexes proposed in the paper are effective: the more compact the network is,and the larger the average degree is, then the more robust the network is; in the same average degrees, the larger the network compactness index is,the more robust the network is.%目前的复杂网络抗攻击性研究大多基于“无代价”条件,而这一假设下的大多数复杂网络面对的选择性攻击都非常脆弱,这与现实网络相矛盾.针对这一矛盾,提出代价下影响复杂网络抗攻击性的关键指标——网络紧致系数、平均度;基于网络紧致系数、平均度建立了代价下面向节点的选择性攻击模型,定性分析了网络紧致系数、平均度与复杂网络抗攻击性间的关系.仿真结果证实了所提度量指标的有效性:网络紧致系数越大、平均度越大,则网络越鲁棒;相同平均度下,网络紧致系数越大,则网络越鲁棒.



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