首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >基于xPC Target的飞行器半实物仿真系统研究

基于xPC Target的飞行器半实物仿真系统研究



提出一种基于xPC Target的分布式半实物仿真系统设计方法.首先,借鉴面向对象思想,采用上/下位机运行机制设计仿真系统主控软件,实现了仿真初始参数设置以及仿真时钟推进等功能.其次,针对半实物仿真的硬件接口、实时通信以及散据保存要求,采用S函数实现了串口通信模块,从操作系统底层进行了反射内存寄存器级驱动开发,深入研究目标机数据保存格式,实现了数据保存和上传.通过某型制导弹药的半实物仿真试验对整个系统进行了验证,仿真结束时弹目横向误差1.868米,纵向误差0.159米,结果表明仿真系统各子模块工作正常、满足工程实际需要.%This paper discussed a new distributed hardware-in-loop simulation system (HILS) base on the xPC Target. As for this simulation system, first, the simulation software was designed using the host/target mechanism and object-oriented ideas. Second, the serial communication module was designed using the S-Function, the register-level driver of reflective memory was developed, and the data upload was achieved. In the end, the HILS was verified through guided munitions. The results shown the horizontal error was 1. 868 meters and the vertical error was 0.159 meters. Thus proved the serial communication module and the reflective memory driver were trustworthy and could be used in the engineering.



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