首页> 中文期刊>计算机测量与控制 >软件安全性测试研究综述




近年来,软件安全性在保证系统安全、避免重大人员伤亡和财产损失方面起到了重要作用;然而在软件安全性工程中,软件安全性并不能完全依靠常规的软件工程方法和软件测评手段来进行测试;如何在工程中开展软件安全性测试仍然是一个悬而未决的问题;首先从软件安全性测试的发展现状入手,分析我国在该领域工程应用中所遇到的问题;然后阐述当前主要的软件安全性测试流程和方法,将现有的测试方法分3类进行描述,并分析和比较这些测试方法的特点;最后总结并展望软件安全性测试研究的发展方向.%In recent years, software safety plays an important role in verifying system safety and avoiding the casualties and property losses, but it is difficult to verify system safety in traditional software engineering and software test. Consequently, how to do software safety test turns to be an open question in software safety engineering. After describing the status of software safety test, this paper discusses the problems of software safety test in engineering. In addition, this paper provides a survey on the current major software safety test process and methods, and gives a detail introduction to characteristics of the methods which are classified into three species in this paper. Finally, the future development in this research area is also discussed.



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