首页> 中文期刊>软件 >一种基于D-S证据理论的Ad-Hoc网络信任评估模型




Due to changes in network topology and wireless conlficts, the evidence of trust sampling space may be incomplete or unreliable, thus affecting the trust evaluation validity. In this paper Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence theory is used to establish trust evaluation model which can deal with both trust randomicity and subjective uncertainty without prior distribution in evaluation. It also has the recommendation trust ifltering mechanism which can monitor the node’s behavior in real 0time, detect and isolate malicious node timely. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed model provide an effective method to the trust uncertainty expression and processing, and can effectively resist the attack and reduce the impact of malicious node.%Ad-Hoc网络拓扑的变化或无线冲突的发生,用于信任评估的证据抽样空间可能会不完全或不可靠,从而影响信任评估有效性。本文利用Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据理论构造信任评估模型,可以在不需要先验分布的情况下同时处理信任评估中的随机性和主观不确定性。该模型同时具有推荐信任过滤机制,能够实时监测推荐节点行为,及时发现并隔离恶意推荐节点和共谋攻击节点。理论分析和仿真结果表明所建模型为信任不确定性的表达和处理提供有效的方法,同时可以有效抵御攻击,减少恶意推荐和共谋攻击对信任评估的影响。



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