首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与设计》 >基于TR069的交互电视终端分组管理设计




The goal of terminal grouping management is to provide differentiated services to different terminal groups, which meets not only the operation needs of the interactive television, but also the test needs of the new business and new operation mode, without interfering with the normal users' business usage. In order to achieve this goal, first of all, the entity relationship of terminal grouping management is designed based on the actual system. On this basis, different terminal groups' personalized parameters configuration, personalized upgrading, and log collecting processes are designed with TR069 protocol. The analysis results show that, the using of TR069 protocol helps in making the system having the capabilities of highly expansibility and easy maintenance.%终端分组管理的目标是为不同终端分组提供区分服务,这不仅可以满足交互电视业务运营的需求,还可以在不干扰正常用户业务使用的情况下,满足新业务、新运营模式的测试需要.为了实现该目标,首先基于实际系统,设计了终端分组管理的实体关系.在此基础上,采用TR069协议设计了不同分组终端的个性化参数配置、升级及日志采集流程.分析结果表明,采用TR069协议可使系统具备高扩展性、易维护性等特点.



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