首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机工程与应用》 >RSA密码核时间侧信道检测与量化分析




The attackers can extract the RSA private key by timing channel. Currently, there is a lack of effective method to detect and evaluate information leakage from RSA hardware timing channel. In this paper, Gate Level Information Flow tracking(GLIFT)method is employed to detect RSA timing channel and a test framework is proposed to evaluate RSA timing channel qualitatively and quantitatively. By case studies on 5 different RSA architectures, the experimental results show that the test framework can evaluate the effect of mitigation techniques on reducing and eliminating information leakage from RSA timing channel effectively and efficiently, which indicates that the test framework can help designers to tradeoff timing channel security, resource utilization and performance.%攻击者通过RSA时间侧信道可有效破解其密钥.但目前缺乏有效的方法检测和评估RSA硬件密码核时间侧信道信息泄漏.针对此问题,利用门级信息流追踪方法检测RSA时间侧信道;提出一种测试框架对密钥位泄露进行定性检测和定量分析.通过对五种不同RSA密码硬件体系结构进行案例研究,实验结果显示,所提方法可有效评估和验证迁移技术对RSA时间侧信道信息泄露的影响.该测试方法可有效辅助硬件设计人员权衡时间侧信道安全性、硬件资源消耗和性能等指标.



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