首页> 中文期刊> 《指挥控制与仿真》 >无线传感器网络DV-Hop节点定位改进算法




针对无线传感器网络中距离无关类节点定位算法定位误差较大的问题,提出了一种改进型DV-Hop节点定位算法。通过设置待定位节点到信标节点间的最小跳数门限,降低了定位累积误差;改进了平均每跳距离估计方法,并利用信标节点测量的位置误差作为修正值,对每跳距离的估计值进行修正;待定位节点仅选取与之较近的信标节点计算位置,降低了距离误差。仿真结果显示,在信标节点比例和网络节点总数相同的条件下,改进算法性能明显优于DV-Hop算法。%Range-free localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks has big location error. To solve this problem, a modified DV-Hop localization algorithm is proposed. The location cumulative error is decreased by setting a minimum thresh-old of the hops form unknown node to anchor node. The estimation method of average one-hop distance is improved. Further-more, the location error measured by anchor node can be used to modify the estimation of one-hop distance. The unknown node only chooses the anchor nodes near to it to calculate its location. The simulation results show that the modified algorithm outperforms DV-Hop algorithm in the same anchor fraction and number of nodes in the network.



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