首页> 中文期刊> 《指挥控制与仿真》 >大气对红外制导波段透过特性的影响分析




Along with the development of infrared technology and extensive application on military affairs, more and more at-tention is focused on the study of infrared radiation transmission. Atmospheric transmittance is the important parameter of in-frared radiation transmission research. The influence of actual atmosphere on infrared atmospheric transmittance was discussed by using the combined atmospheric radiative transfer model. The relative errors of the results of averaged transmit-tance calculated with approximate foreign atmospheric model are also investigated. The results show that the actual atmosphere of our country must be considered for the better estimations of the atmosphere transmittance. The results also il-lustrate that it is significant for the infrrared-guided weapons to improve the precision and the adaptation of environment.%红外制导武器对目标的发现、识别和跟踪主要依据目标与背景的红外辐射特性及其对比特性。针对大气透过率是研究红外辐射传输的重要参数,提取既定区域实际观测大气数据构建大气参数廓线并嵌入成熟、通用的大气辐射传输模型中,探讨了红外波段实际大气透过特性的变化特征,并分析了用模型自带大气近似可能带来的误差。结果表明,基于实际大气廓线计算出的大气透过特性准确度基本符合国际公认理论分析值,我国区域内的大气透过率的准确计算必须考虑我国的实际大气,这对最大限度分析利用战场气象环境以确保武器作战性能的充分发挥具有重要价值。



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