首页> 中文期刊>煤炭科学技术 >余吾煤业南回风立井揭煤防突技术




According to the high gas pressure, deep mining depth and other features of No. 3 seam in the seam opening area of the South Ventilation Shaft of Yuwu Coal Mining Company, an area prediction was conducted on the seam opening area of No. 3 seam. According to the area prediction results, an outburst danger in the front seam could be analyzed and judged. The comprehensive outburst prevention measures with the regional pre-drainage as main and the local drainage as the secondary were applied to the safety seam opening steadily with the frequent efficient inspection and rapid method. The seam opening project was completed 10 days in advance to pass through No. 3 seam. Meanwhile a completed set comprehensive outburst prevention technical system suitable for the seam opening in the mine shaft of Yuwu Coal Mining Company was formed.%针对余吾煤业南风井揭煤区域3号煤层瓦斯压力大、埋深大等特点,对揭煤区域3号煤层进行了区域预测,根据区域预测结果,对前方煤层的突出危险性进行分析判断,采取了以区域预抽为主,局部排放为辅的综合防突措施,以勤效检、快措施的方法,循序渐进安全地揭开了3号煤层.该揭煤工程比预期提前了10 d,同时也形成了一套适用于余吾煤业的井筒(石门)揭煤的综合防突技术体系.



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