首页> 中文期刊>煤炭科学技术 >阳泉矿区瓦斯涌出规律研究及其综合治理




In order to study the gas emission law as to provide basis of the gas disaster control in coal mines,taking Yangquan Mining Area as a study object,the study showed that the major influence factors of the gas emission would be the mining depth,coal mining technology, geological structure,hydrogeology and others.The paper provided the pressure releasing and permeability improved gas drainage in protec-tive seam mining,gas drainage with surface borehole drilling,gas drainage technology of high level gas drainage gateway and gas outburst prevention gateway and other gas control measures.The paper pointed out that the mine gas as valuable quality clean energy,the safety and high efficient coal and gas simultaneous mining and coal mining-gas mining integrated mining idea should be fully implemented.%为给煤矿瓦斯灾害治理提供依据,以阳泉矿区为研究对象,对瓦斯涌出规律进行了分析,发现瓦斯涌出的主要影响因素有开采深度、回采工艺、地质构造、水文地质等;据此提出了开采保护层卸压增透抽采瓦斯、地面钻井抽采瓦斯以及高抽巷和防突巷的瓦斯抽采技术等瓦斯治理措施;最后指出了瓦斯作为宝贵的优质洁净能源,应充分贯彻安全高效煤与瓦斯共采和采煤-采气一体化开采理念。



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