首页> 中文期刊>煤炭科学技术 >浅埋深矿井回采巷道底鼓治理技术研究




为解决补连塔煤矿综采工作面巷道底鼓严重的问题,在底板软岩、采动压力大的条件下分别应用了反底拱法、混凝土预制块法、隔离煤柱法等底鼓治理技术,结果表明:采用反底拱法时巷道两帮最大移近量600 mm,顶底板最大移近量890 mm;采用混凝土预制块法时两帮最大移近量600 mm,顶底板最大移近量990 mm,采用隔离煤柱法时两帮最大移近量600 mm,顶底板最大移近量900 mm,应用反底拱法、混凝土预制块法、隔离煤柱法等底鼓治理技术取得的效果基本一致,但从经济效益方面考虑应选用混凝土预制块法。%In order to solve the serious roadway floor heave problems in fully-mechanized coal mining face of Bulianta Coal Mine,the in-verted-arch floor method,concrete precast block method and partition coal pillars method to treatment floor heave under the condition of soft rock and mining pressure respectively were applied.The results showed that the maximal rib-to-rib convergence was 600 mm when in-verted-arch floor method was used,and the maximal roof-to-floor convergence was 890 mm.The maximal rib-to-rib convergence was 600 mm when concrete precast block method was used,and the maximal roof-to-floor convergence was 990 mm.The maximal rib-to-rib con-vergence was 600 mm when partition coal pillars method was used,and the maximal roof-to-floor convergence was 900 mm.The treatment floor heave effect were almost the same when the inverted-arch floor method,concrete precast block method and partition coal pillars meth-od was individually,but considered from the aspects of economic benefit,should choose concrete precast block method.



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