首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >从生产经营设备看地质单位经济发展潜力——以浙江煤炭地质局勘探一队为例




浙江煤炭地质局勘探一队主要从事地质勘查及延伸业、机械制造业二大产业,按目前设备分类方法,二大产业占有设备净值分别为40%和60%,但二者创造的经营收入及利润却相差悬殊,设利比(设备余值与利润比值)高达190倍,可见地质勘查及延伸业仍是浙江煤炭地质局勘探一队目前的主要经营方向,而未取得理想效果的机械制造业仍有巨大的潜力.通过对生产设备的综合分析,提出了根据设备构成、设备新度系数、设备完好率等诸多因素分析其对地勘单位发展潜力影响的新方法.%The First Exploration Team of the Zhejiang Bureau of Coal Geological Exploration is engaged mainly in geological exploration and its extending business, as well as machine-building industry. According to present equipment classification, the two main industries possess equipment net values are 40% and 60% in total respectively. But operating revenue and profit of the two differ greatly, equipment residual value to profit ratio is 190 times as high. It is obvious that the geological exploration and its extending business is the team's main direction of management at present, while the machine-building industry not obtained ideal effect still has tremendous potential. Through production equipment comprehensive analysis, based on analysis of factors including equipment composition, depreciation coefficient, perfectness ratio etc impacting geological exploration unit development potential, then new analytic methods put forward.



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