首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >郑州金牛建业煤矿水文地质特征及水害综合防治




Water bursting accidents are frequent in the Zhengzhou Taurus Jianye coalmine, though water yield is not large in all previous water bursting, but have caused higher impact on coalmine normal activities. Based on detailed analysis of mine hydrogeological conditions and water filling factors, have considered that during the mining of coal seam II1, water inflow sources mainly from roof sandstone water, floor karst water and gob water. Floor karst water has high water pressure, better water yield property and inhomogeneous karst development, under the impacts from structural fissures and mining fissures, will form greater threat on mine safety. As for control of roof water, can be based upon the "drainage", while to floor karst water, combined control measures of mainly draining depressurization and floor grouting reinforcement should be adopted.%郑州金牛建业煤矿突水事故频繁,虽然历次突水的水量不大,但对矿井的正常生产造成较大影响.在详细分析矿井水文地质条件和充水因素的基础上,认为煤矿在开采二1煤时,矿井涌水水源主要包括顶板砂岩水、底板岩溶水和老空水;底板岩溶水的水压高,富水性较强且岩溶发育不均一,在构造裂隙及采动裂隙等的影响下,对矿井的安全威胁较大;对于顶板水,可立足于“排”,而底板岩溶水的防治应主要采用疏水降压和底板注浆加固结合的防治措施.



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