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Pest integrated device and pest integrated way



A pest-accumulating device for accumulating mites such as chicken mites and northern fowl mites, includes an accumulating part 10 made of a material that allows a charged layer to be formed on a surface thereof. When a charged layer is formed in the accumulating part 10, mites, such as chicken mites and northern fowl mites, can be gathered in the accumulating part. When the pest-accumulating device 1 of the present invention is set up in a fixed place in a poultry house CH, mites such as chicken mites that parasitize chickens CK, and even mites such as chicken mites that enter into narrow spaces in the poultry house and chicken cages KG, can be accumulated in the accumulating part 10. Then, the mites, such as chicken mites, in the poultry house CH can be efficiently exterminated by exterminating the mites, such as chicken mites, that have accumulated in the accumulating part 10.
机译:一种用于积累诸如鸡螨和北方禽螨之类的螨的有害生物积累装置,包括由允许在其表面上形成带电层的材料制成的积累部10。当在蓄积部10中形成带电层时,鸡螨和北禽螨等螨虫可以积聚在蓄积部中。当将本发明的害虫累积装置1设置在禽舍CH的固定位置时,寄生于鸡CK的诸如鸡螨之类的螨虫,甚至进入禽舍的狭窄空间中的诸如鸡螨之类的螨虫。鸡笼KG和鸡笼KG可以积聚在积聚部10中。然后,通过消灭积聚在积聚部中的诸如螨虫的螨虫,可以有效地消灭家禽舍CH中的诸如螨虫的螨虫。 10。



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