首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >地震多属性反演预测煤层顶底板富水性




根据地震多属性反演预测煤层顶底板富水性的原理,在重点分析岩石高孔隙度变化特征及分布范围的同时,参考岩石波阻抗、视声波速度及岩石视电阻率的变化特征,在强富水区域遵照三低一高的解释原则(岩石的波阻抗减小、视速度减小、视电阻率减小、视孔隙度增大),以10煤层为例进行煤层顶底板富水性强弱的划分,同j时对陷落柱富水性进行了定性解释:①勘探区南部断层F2发育的边界部位、西部边界至井底车场、北部边界属富水性较强区域;②在陷落柱发育部位、研究区东北部边界属富水性中等区域;③研究区中部属岩石弱富水性区域。%According to the principle of seismic multi-attribute inversion in coal roof and floor water-bearing property prediction, spe-cially analyzed rock high porosity variation features and distribution range, simultaneously referenced rock wave impedance, apparent acoustic velocity and rock apparent electricity variation features, in strong water-bearing areas taking the interpretation principia of“3 playing downs and 1 stepping up”(playing downs of rock wave impedance, apparent velocity, apparent resistivity and stepping up of ap-parent porosity), taking the coal No.10 as example carried out coal roof and floor water-bearing property participation;meanwhile car-ried out qualitative interpretation of subsided column water-bearing property:①Boundary region of fault F2 developed southern explo-ration area, west boundary to pit-bottom, north boundary region belong to stronger water-bearing property areas;②Subsided column developed region, northeast boundary region of the study area belong to medium water-bearing property areas;③Middle part of the study area belongs to weaker water-bearing area.



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