首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >宁夏固原炭山地区中侏罗世沉积地质特征及其意义




The Tanshan area is situated at south sector of Ordos Basin western margin. The coal-bearing Yanan Formation has large thickness and developed coal seams with low vitrinite and high inertinite contents. After analyzed the structure, sedimentary strata and coal lithotype carried out strata correlation with neighboring Liupanshan Basin, southern Ordos Basin, considered that the coal mea-sures strata in Tanshan area were formed in braided channel alluvial plain and swamp environments. Early stage shallow lacustrine de-posits have illustrated the connection between the area and southern margin of Ordos Basin. Although in the same superimposed basin within Ordos Basin residual craton, but compared to surrounding areas, relatively thick Yanan Formation has deposited in the area with more but thin coal seams. Combined with tectonic setting of the area has presumed that the area is on a faulted basin based on the su-perimposed basin within Ordos Basin residual craton. If the areas between Qingshuihe major fault and Qingtongxia-Guyuan major fault otherwise than Tanshan area have the same sedimentary environment and tectonic setting as Tanshan area, the coal prospecting pros-pect can be presumed.%炭山地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地西缘南部,区内含煤地层延安组厚度大,煤层发育;煤层具有镜质组含量低,惰质组含量高的特征。通过对该区构造、沉积地层和煤岩特征分析研究,并与邻近的六盘山盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地南部地区进行对比,认为炭山地区煤系地层主要为网状河道的冲积平原沉积环境和沼泽环境形成,早期存在的浅湖相沉积;说明与鄂尔多斯盆地南缘连通,是同处在鄂尔多斯盆地残延克拉通内的叠合盆地,但沉积了相对周边地区较厚的延安组,形成的煤层层数多,单层厚度小;结合该地区的构造背景,推断炭山地区是处在鄂尔多斯盆地残延克拉通内叠合盆地基础上的断陷盆地。在清水河大断裂和青铜峡-固原大断裂之间炭山地区以外的区域,与炭山地区具有相同的沉积环境和构造背景,推断应具有找煤前景。



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