首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭地质》 >大口径瓦斯钻孔穿越煤矿采空区钻井工艺




在山西省晋城市某煤矿10km范围内,3#煤层开采形成了采空区,且在采空区中富含浓度很大的瓦斯混合气。为了最大限度的利用瓦斯,运用地面钻井的方法穿越采空区,继续钻穿下部15#煤层,对采空区中的混合瓦斯气体以及15#煤层中的瓦斯进行综合排采利用。在钻进过程中,采用空气潜孔锤钻井和回转钻井工艺相结合的方法顺利的穿越了采空区。在空气潜孔锤钻井工艺穿越采空区时,采用大风量冲孔、憋压冲孔、空气泡沫循环等方法,切实有效的解决了钻孔施工中的掉块、卡钻等复杂情况,从而达到最大限度的节约成本,提高钻效,缩短周期的目的。%Within the radius 10km range from a coalmine in the Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, the extraction of coal No.3 has formed a gob area filled with concentrated gas mixture. In order to maximize the use of gas, using surface drilling through gob area and down through the coal No.15, comprehensively drained and used the gas mixture in gob area and gas from coal No.15. The combined air DTH hammer and rotary system drilling have been used and went through gob area smoothly. During the air DTH hammer drilling used to cut through gob area, using methods of large air flow rate flushing, pressure buildup drilling and air foam circulating, thus have solved complex issues such as fall-block, drill tool sticking etc. feasibly and effectively. Accordingly, objectives of maximum cost saving, drill⁃ing efficiency improving and drilling cycle shortening achieved.



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