首页> 中文期刊>城市规划 >深圳市大剧院—蔡屋围中心区城市更新研究——探讨城市中心地区更新的价值




Being a national special economic zone, Shenzhen is one of the first developed polar in China. However, it gradually gets into a stalling age in terms of urban land supply. Downtown of the city (such as Grand Theater-Caiwuwei region) has been involved in a complex situation which combines the inevitable recession, chances derived from the transition, and the responsibility as the source of creativity for the city. This paper discusses about the multi-values of urban renewal, the crucial function of downtown during the urban renewal process, the organizing and refraining of functions for the urban areas around, and chances it may bring to accelerate the innovative industries via a creative space form.%作为中国经济特区率先发展起来的深圳已经逐渐进入城市建设用地供应零增长的时代.中心区(例如大剧院—蔡屋围片区)作为一种特殊的空间,既有逐步衰退的颓势,也面临转型期的新机遇并有责任承担创新性城市职能.本文试图通过案例探讨城市更新的多元价值、中心地区更新在地区发展中的职能、城市空间功能的流动与再组织、创新产业及创新空间的促进和形成等,为中心区更新引导城市复兴和转型提供借鉴.



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