首页> 中文期刊>重庆医学 >黄色肉芽肿性膀胱炎伴盆腔淋巴结增生病例报道并文献复习




目的:降低黄色肉芽肿性膀胱炎(XC)的误诊及漏诊率,提高其诊断及治疗水平。方法结合实验室及影像学检查,考虑脐尿管癌合并尿路感染可能。抗感染治疗后行手术切除病变,最终诊断:XC 。结果 XC 临床症状不典型,本例合并盆腔淋巴结增生,与脐尿管癌相似,膀胱镜检查及影像学检查均无特异性。术后随访患者1年,无尿频、尿痛及下腹部不适。结论XC 临床病例罕见,诊断困难,不易与其他膀胱、脐尿管肿瘤相鉴别,确诊依靠组织病理学。%Objective To decrease the error and missed diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous cystitis(XC) .Methods Combined with laboratory and imaging examnation ,we considered the diagnosis of urachal carcinoma complicated by urinary track infection . Anti-infection treatment before surgery ,we removaled of the pathological tissues ,and the final diagnosis was XC .Results The clin-ical symptoms of XC was not typical ,and this case was similar to that of urachal carcinoma .Cystoscope and imaging examination had no specificity .There were not frequent micturition ,the the urgency of urination and low back pain of patiut of the patient by one year follow-up .Conclusion XC is very rarely ,and it is hard to differentiate from other bladder diseases ,tumor of the urachus .The final diagnosis may still depends on histopathological examination .



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