首页> 中文期刊> 《中国马铃薯》 >浅谈达州市马铃薯生产与发展




分析了达州市马铃薯生产在自然环境,生态区域,科技支撑,良繁基地和扩种面积等方面的优势,但存在着种薯质量差,管理粗放,疫病为害重,脱毒薯推广慢,加工利用率低等问题;而马铃薯因增产潜力大,比较效益高,种植简便,用途广泛而在达州的发展前景广阔;建议通过调整规划,加强技术创新,推动脱毒薯应用,发展加工与销售,加大支持力度等途径,促进达州市马铃薯生产发展。%The advantages for potato production in Dazhou are analyzed with regarding to natural environmen, ecoregion, scientific support, seed potato production base, and production extension, but it is also pointed out that problems do exist, such as poor seed quality, extensive management, severe late blight, slow extension of certified seed potato, and low percentage of potato processing. Thanks for the big potential for yield increase, high comparative benefit, easy growing, and versatile utilization of potato, the future for the development of potato industry in Dazhou is bright. This can be achieved through planning adjustment, technical innovation, extension of certified seed potato, development of processing product and promotion, and government support.



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