首页> 中文期刊> 《中国护理管理》 >农村某基层医院护士工作压力与社会支持的相关性研究




Objectives: To investigate working pressure and social support among clinical nurses of grass-roots hospital in Shantou, to explore the relationship between the two variables, and to provide references for managers to take targeted measures. Methods: We investigated 288 clinical nurses of grass-roots hospitals in Shantou rural area by questionnaires. Results: The mean score of working pressure was 2.81± 0.43 and in a moderate to high level. The main pressure sources were low salary and other benefits and high work-load. Working pressure negatively related to social support. Objective support was the main influencing factor of working pressure. Conclusions: Managers should pay more attention to the negative impact of the high work-load among clinical nurses in grass-roots hospitals in rural area, provide substantial and emotional support to nurses, and reduce working pressure to stabilize the nursing team, to improve clinical nurses' physical and psychological health, and to enhence working efficiency and nursing quality in grass-roots hospitals.%目的:调查基层医院临床护士工作压力及社会支持情况,并探讨两者的相关性,为管理者制订针对性的干预措施提供依据.方法:采用问卷调查法,以汕头农村地区某基层医院的288名在岗临床护士作为对象进行调查.结果:临床护士的工作压力总均分为(2.81±0.43)分,呈中等偏高水平;最大的压力源是工资及其他的福利待遇低,其次是工作量太大;工作压力与社会支持水平呈负相关;客观支持是护士工作压力的影响因素.结论:管理者应重视农村地区基层医院临床护士工作压力过高带来的负面影响,在物质和情感等方面提供支持,降低其工作压力,为稳定护理队伍,提高基层医院临床护士身心健康水平、工作效率及护理质量起到积极的促进作用.



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