首页> 中文期刊>中国心理卫生杂志 >中国儿童青少年间接攻击的发生状况:基于潜在类别分析的结果




目的:了解中国儿童青少年间接攻击的发生状况.方法:利用中国儿童青少年心理发育特征调查数据库,对23803名(小学4~6年级、初中7~9年级)学生的间接攻击进行潜在类别分析,并对不同间接攻击类别在不同性别和年级内的分布进行比较.结果:儿童青少年的间接攻击可分为高发组(10.8%),边缘组(36.1%)和低发组(53.1%)三个潜在类别.男生高发组、边缘组的比例高于女生(9.6%vs.5.8%,P<0.01;38.7% vs.36.2%,P<0.01).小学生高发组、边缘组的比例高于初中生(11.0% vs.4.6%,P<0.01;40.9% vs.34.1%,P<0.01).结论:本研究显示中国儿童青少年的间接攻击可以分为三类,男生间接攻击的发生率高于女生,小学生的发生率高于初中生.%Objective: To investigate the prevalence of indirect aggression in Chinese children. Methods: The data were from database of the National Children's Study of China (NCSC). Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to explore types of indirect aggression of 23 S03 students in elementary school grading 4 to 6 and middle school grading 7 to 9, and the differences of frequency in different gender and grade was analyzed. Results: According to LCA, the indirect aggression in children were divided into three groups, namely, high-risk group, medium-risk group, low-risk group, and the prevalence of indirect aggression were 10.8%, 36.1%, 53.1 %, respectively. The rates of high-risk group and medium-risk group in boys were significantly higher than girls (9.6% vs. 5.6%, P < 0.01; 38.7% vs. 36. 2%, P < 0.01). The rates of high-risk group and medium-risk group of elementary school students were significantly higher than middle school students (11.0% vs.4.6%,P<0.01; 40.9% vs. 34.1%,P <0. 01). Conclusion: It suggests that indirect aggression could be classified into three different types. Hihher rates of reported indirect aggression are in boys and elementary school students than in girls and middle school students, respectively.



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