首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学伦理学》 >神木县“全民免费医疗”监管体系的伦理学分析




Universal free medical care" in Shenmu county was successful because it carried out a set of effective supervision and management system, which consisted of supervision and management organization, supervision and management rules, supervision and management content and supervision and management methods, with specific provision on each part. The medical reform in Shenmu rely on the supervision and management rules, led by supervision and management organization, through kinds of supervision and management methods on medical institutions and their services, can effectively regulate the hospital behavior, avoid the waste of resources; reasonable distribute the power, ensure the medical reform go smoothly; control diagnosis and treatment in hospital, improve the service quality; take serving patients as the center, fulfill the humanitarian principle. This can be a reference model for the medical security system reform in China.%神木县“全民免费医疗”的成功运行,在于其推行了一套行之有效的监管体系.这套体系主要由监管机构、监管规章、监管内容及监管手段四部分构成,并且每部分内容都有明确规定.神木县的医改以监管规章为依托,监管机构为先导,通过多样的监管方式对医疗机构及其服务进行监管,能够有效地规范医院行为,避免资源浪费;合理分配权力,保证医改的平稳进行;控制诊疗环节,提高服务质量;以服务患者为中心,践行人道主义原则,这为全国医疗保障体系的改革提供了可以借鉴的范例.



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