首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >医用固定板的设计及应用




目的:设计一种结构简单、使用方便的,可供血液透析患者或静脉输液患者治疗时使用的医用肢体固定板.方法:医用固定板包括半圆筒状护板和固定绷带2个部分,其中护板的材料选用网状结构低温热塑板.选取医院2016年7—12月血液透析患者40例,其中男性22例、女性18例,随机平均分为观察组和对照组;同时,选取医院同期静脉输液患者400例,其中男性188例、女性212例,随机平均分为观察组和对照组;观察组均使用新设计的医用固定板,对照组未使用新设计的医用固定板,对治疗中的脱针率、跑针率、护士与患者的满意度进行比较.结果:血液透析组:观察组在2020次穿刺中无脱针情况,仅有1例患者因固定方法不当出现跑针;患者及护士满意度达99%以上,明显高于对照组(P<0.001).输液组:观察组使用医用固定板后,无脱针情况,仅有2例患者因不能掌握医用固定板的使用要点而发生跑针;患者与护士的满意度均高于对照组(P<0.05).结论:医用固定板材质舒适、使用方便,可有效固定血液透析患者穿刺肢体或输液肢体,避免跑针及脱针等不良事件的发生,为接受输液或血液透析患者的治疗减轻了痛苦,减少了医务人员的工作量,提高了患者及护理人员满意度,值得在临床上使用、推广.%Objective To design a medical fixation plate with simple structure and easy operation which can be applied to hemodialysis and IV transfusion patients. Methods The plate was composed of a low-temperature thermoplastic board with semi-cylindric shape and net-like structure and an elastic fixation bandage, which was used for the treatment of hemodialysis and IV transfusion patients. Totally 40 hemodialysis patients including 22 males and 18 females from July to December 2016 were divided into an observation group and a control group randomly and equally. There were 400 IV transfusion patients including 188 males and 212 females enrolled into an observation group and a control group randomly and equally. The observation group applied the developed plate, and then compared with the control group on the rate for needle dropping off, the rate for needle displacement, nurse satisfaction and patient satisfaction. Results For the hemodialysis patients with 2020 times of punctures, there were no cases for needle dropping off and only 1 case of needle displacement due to improper fixation;the patient and nurse satisfaction (higher than 99%) in the observation group were obviously higher than that in the control group (P<0.001). For the IV transfusion patients, there were no cases of needle dropping off and 2 cases of needle displacement due to the patients' abusing of the developed plate;the patient and nurse satisfaction in the observation group was obviously higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion The plate fixes the limbs of the hemodialysis and IV transfusion patients efficiently, decreases the incidences of needle dropping off and displacement, reduces the workload of medical staffs, enhances the patient and nurse satisfaction, and thus is worthy promoting practically.



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