首页> 中文期刊>医疗卫生装备 >一种方便超声探头进行体内异物定位的辅助装置的研制




Objective To develop an auxiliary device to facilitate the ultrasound probe to position in vivo foreign body.Methods The auxiliary device was composed of a support plate,a locating needle tube and an elastic rubber sleeve.The support plate was rectangular and had a radian structure;the locating needle tube was fixed at lateral middle part of the plate to accommodate the needle;the elastic rubber sleeve was hollow and held the plate and needle tube after expansion.Results The device gained advantages in convenience,promptness and stability,and enhanced the accuracy and success rate of in vivo foreign body positioning by the ultrasound probe.Conclusion The device has simple structure,easy manufacture and low cost,and thus is worthy promoting clinically.%目的:研制一种方便超声探头进行体内异物定位的辅助装置.方法:该辅助装置由支撑板、定位针管及弹力橡胶套构成.支撑板为具有弧度的矩形板状结构;定位针管与支撑板一体成型,固定于支撑板的外侧中部,用于容纳定位针;弹力橡胶套为中空橡胶圆套,扩张后套置于支撑板及定位针管外.结果:使用该辅助装置进行体内异物定位,穿刺时简捷、迅速、平稳,方便了超声探头的体内异物定位,提高了定位的准确度和成功率.结论:该辅助装置结构简单、易于生产、造价低廉、使用方便,易于临床推广应用.



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