首页> 中文期刊> 《医疗卫生装备》 >舰艇移动便携式口腔综合治疗台的研制及应用




目的:研制一种舰艇移动便携式口腔综合治疗台,以满足护航行动中舰艇的卫勤保障效能.方法:在WD6232-E型牙科综合治疗机的基础上加以改进,包括座椅和附件2个部分.座椅下部安装地箱和座箱,侧面安装治疗台底盘.附件部分由水平移动杆、盂盆、冷光灯等组成.改良部分为数字化配置,包括微型数码X线牙片机和小型计算机.结果:该治疗台在舰艇长航期间完成的口腔治疗能够达到或基本达到驻军医院口腔科水平,具有良好的辅助诊断和治疗作用.结论:该治疗台便于携带、操作简单,具备基本口腔医疗及急救等多方面功能,可适应目前舰艇远航条件,具有广阔的应用前景.%Objective To develop a portable integral dental unit in the ship to fulfill medical service during canvoy operation.Methods The unit developed was modified based on WD6232-E dental unit,and comprised of a chair and accessories.An earth box and a seat box were under the chair,and a base was at one side of it.The accessories included a level bar,emesis basin,cold light and etc.The digital unit was modified,which involved in a miniature digital dental X-ray machine and a micro computer.Results The dental unit developed could fulfill dental auxiliary diagnosis and treatment similar to them in garrison hospital.Conclusion The unit gains advantages in portability and easy operation and adapts itself to dental service during expedition,and thus is worthy promoting practically.



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