首页> 中文期刊>中国园林 >传统与现代:历史街区的建筑空间创新与景观空间整合研究——以常州青果巷历史街区更新改造为例




当前中国历史街区的更新和改造在城市化进程中面临诸多困境,在建筑学和风景园林学层面,主要表现在2个方面,一是以传统封闭庭院为基本单元的建筑空间与新的城市功能不匹配;二是原有外部场地景观空间缺少有效连续的协同整合.以建筑学背景深度解读了2015年度英国《建筑评论》举办的“AR&MIPIM未来建筑”国际设计竞赛作品“空中庭院——常州青果巷历史文化街区城市设计”,通过对常州青果巷历史街区的改造和更新重新思考了历史街区的现代表达方式,并从建筑和景观2个层面的空间设计进行尝试和突破.街区的更新改造不再局限于“修旧如旧”的照搬传统街区和建筑格局,而是在新建区域内以现代建筑的抽象设计语言创新性地表达和升级传统建筑空间形制,并通过外部场地的景观空间设计对整个街区进行整合与织补.%During the process of urbanization in China,the renewal and transformation of historical blocks face a lot of difficulties.In the fields of architecture and landscape architecture,they are mainly shown in two aspects.Firstly,architectural space types composed of traditional closed courtyard units mismatch new urban functions.Secondly,exterior landscape spaces lack effective and continuous synergetic integration.Through the topic "Old and New" of 2015 "AR & MIPIM Future Projects Award" held by Architectural Review,the reconstruction and renewal of Qingguoxiang historical block in Changzhou has been rethought about deeply.There have been lots of attempts and breakthroughs in the design methods.The historical block has not only been repaired and rebuilt as the old ones,and design language of modem architecture has been used in large quantities to express traditional space model innovatively in new-built area.The whole block has been integrated and combined together by way of the external landscape design.



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