首页> 中文期刊> 《中国园林》 >基于保育式生物防治的蜜粉源植物调查与群落构建研究




Using the Beijing urban green space as the research object, the pests and their natural enemies of the green space, the kinds of floral resource plants providing nutrition for the advantage natural enemies and the method of floral resource plant community construction based on biological control are studied. The results show that 17 kinds of sap-sucking insects are found in this survey, ladybugs, lacewings, hoverflies and parasiticwasps are the main natural enemies of sap-sucking insects. In all herbage plants, 12 kinds of plants including Pastinaca sativa have good effect on trapping the hoverflies,Pastinaca sativa also can trap the parasitic wasps while Nepeta cataria can trap the lacewings. In all woody plants, 5 kinds of plants including Cornus officinalis have good effect on trapping the hoverflies,7 kinds of plants including Prunus ceraifera.Pissardii have good effect on trapping the Parasitic wasps, 4 kinds of plants including Tiliam and Shurica have good effect on trapping on the ladybugs,and 7 kinds of plants including Cornus officinalis have good effect on trapping the lacewings. Planting floral resource plants with different flowering season around the target pests is the basic method of bio-control type plant community construction.%以北京城市绿地为研究对象,对有害生物及其天敌、优势天敌补充营养蜜粉源植物以及基于生物防治的蜜粉源植物群落构建方法进行研究.结果表明:调查共发现17种刺吸害虫,瓢虫、草蛉、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂是其主要天敌类群.草本植物中,欧防风等12种植物、欧防风1种植物及荆芥1种植物分别对食蚜蝇、寄生蜂和草蛉具有良好的诱集作用.木本植物中,山茱萸等5种植物、紫叶李等7种植物、糠椴等4种植物及山茱萸等7种植物分别对食蚜蝇、寄生蜂、瓢虫和草蛉具有诱集作用.将不同花期的蜜粉源植物成片配置于目标害虫植物周围,是进行生防型植物群落构建的基本方法与步骤.



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