首页> 中文期刊> 《中国组织工程研究》 >Clippy自锁系统矫治恒牙早期轻中度骨性Ⅲ类错牙合




BACKGROUND: Skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion is a complex malocclusion in clinic, which has a great harm to the development of teeth, maxil a and face. Currently, skeletal class Ⅰ malocclusion is often explored in the self-ligating system, and there is yet no reports addressing self-ligating system for treatment of skeletal class Ⅲmalocclusion. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of X-ray lateral cephalometric radiographs and model measurement before and after Clippy self-ligating system treatment of mild and moderate class Ⅲ malocclusion so as to determine the therapeutic effect of Clippy self-ligating system. METHODS: Thirty-four patients with skeletal class Hospital Group, aged 11-15 years (averagely 12.8 years), including 21 males and 13 females. The angle of ANB (subspinale, Nasion, supramental) was -2.1° on average. Al the patients were treated with Clippy self-ligating system, and maxil ary expansion and rapid palatal expansion appliance and auxiliary rehabilitation measures were performed during the treatment. The average course of treatment was 23.7 months. X-ray lateral cephalometric radiographs were shot to measure the relevant data. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) After treatment, the teeth of the 34 patients arranged regularly, normal jet and bite was established, and the maxil ary and madibuar first molar relationship reached a neutral or slightly mesial relation. (2) The ANB angle was increased by 1.56° and the anterposterior dysplasia indicator decreased by -2.22°. Malocclusion reverted from class Ⅲ to class horizontal width of the maxil ary and mandibular dental arch was expanded, and the sagittal length of the maxil ary adental arch was increased. The Clippy self-ligating system is able to successful y col ect mild to moderate skeletal class soft tissue profile, expands the horizontal width of the maxil ary and mandibular dental arch and increases the sagittal length of the maxil ary arch.%  背景:骨性Ⅲ类错牙合是临床上较为复杂的错牙合畸形,严重影响牙齿、颌骨及面部的发育。目前对自锁托槽的研究多是围绕骨性Ⅰ类错牙合进行,自锁矫治系统专门针对骨性Ⅲ类错牙合的研究国内外尚未见报道。目的:分析 Clippy 自锁系统对恒牙早期骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者矫治前后的 X 射线头颅定位侧位片及模型测量结果,从而确定该系统对骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形的疗效。方法:选取在大庆油田总医院就诊的恒牙期骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者34例,男21例,女13例,年龄11-15岁,平均年龄12.8岁,上齿槽座点、鼻根点与下齿槽座点构成的角(ANB 角)平均为-2.1°。应用 Clippy自锁系统矫治,矫治期间未使用前牵引、扩弓矫治器等活动及辅助矫治措施,矫治疗程平均23.7个月。拍摄和测量矫治前后的 X 射线头颅定位侧位片,测量相关数据。结果与结论:①34例患者牙齿排列整齐,均建立正常的覆牙合覆盖关系,上下第一磨牙都达到中性关系或轻度近中关系。②上齿槽座点、鼻根点与下齿槽座点构成的角(ANB 角)增加了1.56°,面角、AB 平面角和腭平面角之和(APDI)减小了-2.22°,Ⅲ类骨型向Ⅰ类发展。③患者面型得到一定的改善。④上、下牙弓的横向宽度均有扩大,上牙弓的矢状向长度增长。结果可见 Clippy 自锁矫治系统对恒牙早期轻中度骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形有较好的矫治作用,能够改善软组织侧貌,对上、下颌牙弓横向有扩大作用,对上颌牙弓矢状向有扩大作用。



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