首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >临床医师与医学生对患者相关权利的认知调查




目的:了解医院医务人员对相关法律法规知识的认知程度,为完善医院相关管理制度提供依据。方法运用随机抽样的方法选择某大学附属(三级甲等)医院临床医师与医学生,采用问卷调查方式对诊疗环节中涉及到的患者权利法律法规认知情况进行调查研究。结果临床医师对甲类传染病应对措施和对患者隐私保护了解程度普遍比学生高,而中级医师对首次病程记录时间回答错误率高达93.6%。5类调查对象对诊疗义务及事故后果所需承担的法律责任了解程度多集中在了解上。结论医院需要加强临床技能培训,规范病历书写,加强医患沟通,并需要强化医务人员的法制意识、法律知识的学习和法定义务的认知。完善医院建设,减少医疗纠纷的发生。%Objectives To ascertain how much the medical staff from the investigated hospitals had known about relevant laws and regulations ,and to improve relevant management systems in these hospitals.Methods A question-naire survey was conducted among the clinical physicians and medical students selected by random sampling in the affiliated hospital(Class A Grade Ⅲ)of a university to learn about their cognitions of patient rights ,laws and regula-tions involved in the diagnosis and treatment process.Results The survey showed that clinical physicians generally had better understanding of solutions to category A infections disease and protection on patients privacy than students did ,while the error rate of intermediate physicians in the first progress note reached 93.6% ,which was the highest. A majority of respondents understanding degree in the five categories on the obligations of diagnosis and treatment as well as the legal liability that they should bear for the accident consequences remained on the extent of understanding.Conclusions According to the results of this survey ,the hospital should strengthen trainings on clini-cal skills ,standardize the writing of medical records ,enhance doctor-patient communication and intensify medical per-sonnel’s legal obligations ,as well as improve hospital construction and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes.



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