首页> 中文期刊>中国康复 >功能性电刺激对偏瘫患者下肢功能及步态的影响




目的:观察功能性电刺激对脑卒中偏瘫患者下肢运动功能及步态的影响。方法:60例脑卒中偏瘫患者分成观察组和对照组,每组30例。对照组采用常规康复训练方法,观察组在此基础上增加佩戴步态诱发功能电刺激仪的步态训练,每次20min ,每周5次,持续8周。于治疗前后采用下肢Fugl‐Meyer运动功能评分(FMA)、功能性步行能力分级(FAC )及足印分析法对2组患者进行评定。结果:治疗8周后,2组患者下肢 FM A评分、FAC分级及患侧的平均步长、步宽及步速均较治疗前显著提高(P<0.05),且观察组更高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:使用功能性电刺激进行步态训练后可进一步改善脑卒中偏瘫患者的下肢运动功能,提高步行能力。%Objective:To investigate the efficacy of functional electrical stimulation on the lower limb motor func‐tion and walking ability of hemiplegic stroke patients .Methods:Sixty hemiplegic stroke patients were randomly di‐vided into a treatment group and a control group (n=30 each) .Both groups were treated with routine rehabilita‐tion ,but the treatment group also undertook gait training with gait triggered functional electrical stimulation .The training was carried out 20 min every day ,5 days every week for 8 weeks .All patients were assessed with the Fugl‐Meyer lower limb assessment (FMA) ,functional ambulation category (FAC) classification and footprint analysis pretreatment and 8 weeks post‐treatment .Results:Eight weeks post‐treatment ,the FMA motor function ,FAC classification and the average values of step length ,stride width and velocity at the affected side in both two groups were significantly increased as compared with those pretreatment ,more significantly in the treatment group than in the control group (P<0 .05) .Conclusions:Gait training with functional electrical stimulation combined with routine rehabilitation training can distinctly improve the motor function of lower limbs and the walking ability of hemiplegic stroke patients .



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