首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志》 >膈神经移位治疗产伤性臂丛神经麻痹对呼吸功能的影响



Objective To improve the understanding of respiratory function after phrenic .nerve translocation in the treatment for obstetric brachial plexus paralysis.Methods The changes of respiratory function after phrenic nerve translocation on 68 cases were analyzed.The age ranged from 2 months to 12 years.They were divided into Group Ⅰ Phrenic nerve translocation(41 times) and Group Ⅱ.Nonphrenic nerve translocation (40 times).Results All cases of Group Ⅰ had diaphragmatic elevation and paradoxical respiration.The incidence of respiratory distress,pneumonia,atelectasis in Group Ⅰ was obviously higher than that in Group Ⅱ .The complications in cases under 6 months of age was higher than that in the older group.The respiratory distress all occurred in patients less than 3 months of age.Conclusions The translocation of phrenic nerve is extensively applied to treat obstetric paralysis.It should be prudent in patients aging less than 6 months,especially those younger than 3 months.%目的 提高对膈神经移位治疗产瘫术后对呼吸功能影响的认识.方法 对68例产瘫患儿术后呼吸系统变化进行分组分析.结果 膈神经移位组术后摄胸片一侧膈肌均有抬高,透视下随呼吸呈矛盾运动.术后呼吸窘迫、肺炎、肺不张等明显高于非膈神经移位组.按年龄划分小于6个月手术组并发症明显高于6个月以上组,呼吸窘迫均出现在小于3个月的手术组中.结论 膈神经作为移位神经被广泛应用到治疗产瘫手术中.临床上6个月以下取膈神经应慎重,尤其3个月龄左右手术的病例更应慎重.



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