首页> 中文期刊> 《中华护理杂志》 >便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器的研制及效果评价




目的 针对手提式下排气压力蒸汽灭菌器存在灭菌效果差、效率低和野外应急运送不方便等缺陷,设计并研制一种便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器,有效提高灾害和野战等应急医疗救治所需无菌医疗器材灭菌的质量和效率.方法 从2013年2月开始,以体积小、重量轻、野外灭菌效果可靠和灭菌速度快为研究切入点,开展脉动真空灭菌器小型便携化的系列技术研究,成功研制出适合单人背负或空中投放的便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器.结果 将研制的便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器与手提式下排气压力蒸汽灭菌器实施野外同比灭菌试验,便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器的灭菌合格率为100%,平均灭菌周期为28.6 min/次,灭菌通过量为48.0 L/h,平均耗水0.4 L/-次,平均耗电每次0.7 kW/h,灭菌运行指标、可操作性和可运输性均显著优于手提式下排气压力蒸汽灭菌器.结论 研制的4台便携式脉动真空压力蒸汽灭菌器的性价比较高,已成功应用于我院卫勤训练和非战争医疗救治活动.%Objective Due to poor effects of sterilization,low efficiency and inconvenience of field emergency transportation for portable exhaust pressure steam sterilizer,we aimed to design and develop a portable pulse vacuum pressure steam sterilizer in order to effectively improve quality and efficiency of sterilization for sterile medical equipment in disaster and emergency medical treatment.Methods From the beginning of February 2013,we focused on the features of small size,light weight,reliable sterilizing effect and fast speed of sterilization,and conducted series of technology researches,and finally developed portable pulse vacuum pressure steam sterilizer which was suitable for individual carrying or air delivery.Results We performed outdoor sterilization tests for portable vacuum pressure steam sterilizer and portable exhaust pressure steam sterilizer under the same condition.Portable pulse vacuum pressure steam sterilizer achieved a 100% qualification rate,average sterilization cycle was 28.6min per time,sterilization by weight was 48L/h,average water consumption was 0.4L/boiler,average power consumption was 0.7kw/h per time,and sterilization operation index,maneuverability and transportability were significantly better than those of portable exhaust pressure steam sterilizer.Conclusion The developed 4 portable pulse vacuum pressure steam sterilizer have higher cost performance,and have been successfully applied for medical service training and non-war medical treatment activities in our hospital.



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