首页> 中文期刊>中华医学超声杂志(电子版) >儿童肝脏间叶错构瘤超声表现



Objective To describe the sonographic appearance of mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver(MHL)and to analyze the diagnostic value of ultrasound.Methods Eleven surgically and pathologically confirmed cases of MHL from January 2005 to May 2011 in the Beijing Children′s Hospital were retrospectively reviewed.Results Ultrasound examinations showed 9 cystic hamartomas,including 7 multiseptate cystic and 2 monocystic lesions.Of the 7 multiseptate cystic hamartomas,4 had a honeycomb appearance and 3 had irregularly-distributed multiple cysts with varied septations.Of the 2 monocystic hamartomas,1 had a large cystic portion while the other was mainly solid with approximately 4% cystic portion of the tumor.Two cases in this group were solid,presenting with a well-defined homogenous mass.Conclusions Ultrasonography is an effective imaging modality for the diagnosis for MHL.A mixed or a mainly-cystic liver mass found in a child less than 2 years old should be suspicious for MHL.%目的总结儿童肝脏间叶错构瘤超声表现.方法 回顾性分析2005年1月至2011年5月在我院行超声检查并经手术及病理证实的11例肝脏间叶错构瘤患儿超声声像图特点.结果11例肝脏间叶错构瘤患儿中超声检查呈囊实性表现9例,其中多房囊腔7例,单房囊腔2例;7例多房囊腔中,4例囊腔呈蜂窝状并囊间隔薄厚不均,3例囊腔不规则并囊内丝网状分隔,囊腔周边见中等回声实性区环绕或局限分布.2例单房囊腔中,1例表现为厚壁囊腔,另1例表现为较大实性中等回声肿块内一单房囊腔,囊腔体积仅占肿块的4%.本组2例患儿超声检查瘤体表现为低回声实性肿块.结论 儿童肝脏间叶错构瘤超声声像图特点鲜明.超声检查可作为本病首选的检查方法.对于2岁以内的婴幼儿,肝脏肿瘤超声检查表现为囊实性或囊性为主,应首先考虑肝脏间叶错构瘤.



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