首页> 中文期刊> 《中国机械工程学报》 >Intelligent Vehicle Electrical Power Supply System with Central Coordinated Protection

Intelligent Vehicle Electrical Power Supply System with Central Coordinated Protection



The current research of vehicle electrical power supply system mainly focuses on electric vehicles(EV) and hybrid electric vehicles(HEV).The vehicle electrical power supply system used in traditional fuel vehicles is rather simple and imperfect;electrical/electronic devices(EEDs) applied in vehicles are usually directly connected with the vehicle’s battery.With increasing numbers of EEDs being applied in traditional fuel vehicles,vehicle electrical power supply systems should be optimized and improved so that they can work more safely and more effectively.In this paper,a new vehicle electrical power supply system for traditional fuel vehicles,which accounts for all electrical/electronic devices and complex work conditions,is proposed based on a smart electrical/electronic device(SEED) system.Working as an independent intelligent electrical power supply network,the proposed system is isolated from the electrical control module and communication network,and access to the vehicle system is made through a bus interface.This results in a clean controller power supply with no electromagnetic interference.A new practical battery state of charge(So C) estimation method is also proposed to achieve more accurate So C estimation for lead-acid batteries in traditional fuel vehicles so that the intelligent power system can monitor the status of the battery for an over-current state in each power channel.Optimized protection methods are also used to ensure power supply safety.Experiments and tests on a traditional fuel vehicle are performed,and the results reveal that the battery So C is calculated quickly and sufficiently accurately for battery over-discharge protection.Over-current protection is achieved,and the entire vehicle’s power utilization is optimized.For traditional fuel vehicles,the proposed vehicle electrical power supply system is comprehensive and has a unified system architecture,enhancing system reliability and security.



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