首页> 中文期刊>中国中医药图书情报杂志 >《古今图书集成》版本及其学术影响




《古今图书集成》系清代陈梦雷等编撰的大型类书,博大精深,兼收并蓄,贯通古今。该书分为6编32典,1.6亿字,附有大量精美插图,引用经、史、子、集文献达3523种,内容广博,版本经典,为后世珍藏。其以广博精详享誉海内外,学术影响深远,后世学者以此书为寻检资料的线索而多有获益,占据中国科学技术史重要地位。%Gu Jin Tu Shu Ji Cheng is a large-scale reference book compiled by CHEN Meng-lei in the Qing Dynasty. Its contents are broad and profound, incorporate things of diverse nature, and run through ancient and present times. The book includes 6 series and 32 chapters, 1.6 billion characters, with a large number of exquisite illustrations. 3523 kinds of literature about classics, history, philosophy and belles-lettres are cited in this book, with broad contents. It is cherished for the future generations for the extensive contents and classic version. It is renowned at home and abroad with a wide range of fine reputation and profound academic influence. The book has important information clues for benefiting the later scholars and occupies the important position in the history of science and technology of China.



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